Aug 15, 2013

Prescott Valley, a community in mourning

imagesPrescott Valley is a community in mourning. I'm sure that you've heard the saying 'A family that prays together, stays together'. A time proven fact that basically means if you come together as a family you can work through the ups and downs that are sure to come along. This community is more than just business and infrastructure, Prescott Valley and all its residents are family, standing together and standing strong to overcome the sorrow that has befallen upon us. The Town of Prescott Valley is going through a healing process. The result of a lightning strike, the Yarnell fire not only destroyed property, it took the lives of 19 of our Hot Shot firefighters. Their families are mourning, the community is morning and yet we come together and rebuild a town and lift up the needs of the survivors of our fallen heroes. The town of Prescott Valley is hosting a 9-11 Healing Field ceremony on Wednesday September 11, 2013 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. This event will feature inspirational music and words as we honor first responders, military, and citizens lost on 9/11. The ceremony will come amidst the backdrop of 3,000 American flags in a Healing Field. Special tribute will also be paid this year to the Granite Mountain Hot Shots that perished in the Yarnell fire and Prescott Fire Chief Dan Fraijo will speak, along with Secretary of State Ken Bennett.

The Stephanie Woods Team will be attending this healing event. Standing proud next to our family members with shoulders back and heads held high we will honor the fallen. We would love for you to join us. If you travel from outlying areas and wish to become a part of the family that is Prescott Valley, we, at the Stephanie Woods Team, would like to assist you in finding you a home among your new family. Contact us today at (928) 237-4455, you won't be disappointed.

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